【卡蜜諾】的電影主題曲 Cigarettes是由在西班牙爆紅的羅素紅小姐Russian Red所演唱。在清澈剔透的空心吉他之中,傾洩而出的 "Cigarettes",充分讓人感受到她嗓音的無比魅力;青春甜美中洋溢著熱情、感性與個性,在流暢的旋律中彷彿拉開了青春與生命的序曲。特別回饋影迷與電影預售票合買可享超值優惠價,電影票2張+CD1張只要600元喔!
Cigarettes Russian Red
Now tell me what it is, it isn′t fair
′cause I′m wasting time, but it isn′t my heart
it isn′t my fault.
and every situation understands, well
the anecdote of chasing the location to your door,
yeah yeah…da da…
′cause I′m wasting time, now I′m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
and all the letters that I have never sent, da da…
and he was sitting by the swimming pool
but he was scared, ′cause it wasn′t his time, it wasn′t his chance.
getting older′s not been on my plans
but it′s never late, it′s never late enough for me to stay, da da…
′cause I′m wasting time, now I′m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
and all the letters that I have never sent, da da…
美麗的女生,美麗的歌聲,美麗的歌曲,美麗的情緒。聽遍無數女性音樂創作者的專輯,Russian Red 讓人有一種「終於等到了!」的驚豔感覺。
乍看這張《 I Love Your Glasses 》的封面,會誤以為這是張走高貴路線的流行玉女偶像的作品,但事實上,來自西班牙馬德里、原名
Lourdes Hernandez的 Russian
購票洽:真善美戲院、博客來、 海邊的卡夫卡、學校咖啡館、小小書房、信鴿法國書店、華 山1914Connection