
跟大家分享《再見初戀》電影裡頭的動人歌曲-The Water,由來自倫敦的蘿拉曼寧Laura Marling 和約翰尼弗林Johnny Flynn演唱。Laura Marling對不少人應該不陌生:2011全英音樂獎最佳女歌手+水星音樂獎二度提名背書,年僅21歲的當代民謠才女。這首歌收錄在Johnny Flynn的Been Listening專輯裡頭,而這段動人的弦律搭上《再見初戀》的片尾在溪邊的優美場景,更是讓人看得意猶未盡~


歌詞 (來源:http://goo.gl/sZbP1)

All that I have is a river
The river is always my home
Lord, take me away for I just cannot stay
Or I'll sink in my skin and my bones

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Please help me build a small boat
One that'll ride on the flow
Where the river runs deep, and the larger fish creep
I'm glad of what keeps me afloat

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Now deeper the water I sail
And faster the current I'm in
So wide is my river, the horizon a sliver
The artist has run out of paint

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying

Where the blue of the sea meets the sky
And the big yellow sun leads me home
I'm everywhere now, the way is a vow
To the wind of each breath by and by

The water sustains me without even trying
The water can't drown me, I'm done
With my dying





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    聯影電影:12.13 給莫妮卡的華爾滋 12.24人約巴黎

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