西恩潘執導的電影Into the Wild(阿拉斯加之死),不僅是我今年,更是近幾年來最喜歡的電影。
它帶來的感觸太多,以致於頭一次在推薦時感到speechless. 總之就是,前天午夜場的片,昨天下午買了原聲帶,今天晚上衝去信義誠品找小說(附帶一提,誠品僅剩四本原文被我搜刮三本,剩下一本請大家把握機會),剛剛才在美國網站訂了DVD...。
'Tramping is too easy with all this money. My days were more exciting when I was penniless.' (Alexander Supertramp)
在浪濤裡翻騰覓食的海鷗想哭,看他皮帶終點刺了N for North也想哭,每一次飄過天空的雲我也想哭,連他眺望大湖、伴海而行、凝視山岳而開心的笑都想哭... 這是一部令人心碎的電影。它帶著極其複雜的情感,好像提醒我們還年輕,或許仍能做些改變。但我們還年輕嗎?能掙脫這社會嗎?不,絕大多數的你和我,都得重度仰賴它並在此慢慢終老。所以電影結尾很多人都在啜泣,哪個人靈魂裡沒藏了一個流浪的夢?誰不曾望著鈔票憎恨它虛無的權力?但是我們都被這都市社會緊緊包覆,所以可以忘記那心底深處的吶喊,盡力擁抱物質慾望,並活得自在又快樂。
'If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.' 我想,這是我僅剩可以提醒自己不要忘記的東西。
Pearl Jam的主唱Eddie Vedder負責這部電影的音樂。從頭到尾幾乎都是他的歌聲,卻仍不顯得油膩,可見導演和音樂家的功力皆不可小覷。最重要的是,每首歌都讓人聯想起電影畫面,聽一次便激起漣漪一陣,非常出色。其實只要在Youtube搜尋Eddie Vedder或Into the Wild, 就會發現為這部電影主角Christopher McCandless悼念的人不計其數。下面分享的這首Society我很喜歡,是Vedder翻唱自Jerry Hannan的作品。另外令人揮不開腦海的還有No Ceiling, Long Nights以及Guaranteed. 像是發自主角內心的旋律和歌詞,令人動容。
A heartbreaking film with beautiful music. A must-see for every single soul.
Oh it's a mystery to me.
We have a greed, with which we have agreed...
and you think you have to want more than you need...
until you have it all, you won't be free.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
When you want more than you have, you think you need...
and when you think more then you want, your thoughts begin to bleed.
I think I need to find a bigger place...
cause when you have more than you think, you need more space.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
There's those thinkin' more or less, less is more,
but if less is more, how you keepin' score?
It means for every point you make, your level drops.
Kinda like you're startin' from the top...
and you can't do that.
Society, you're a crazy breed.
I hope you're not lonely, without me.
Society, crazy indeed...
I hope you're not lonely, without me
Society, have mercy on me.
I hope you're not angry, if I disagree.
Society, crazy indeed.
I hope you're not lonely...
without me.
文 by Natacha
- Oct 20 Mon 2008 19:54