【安娜床上之島】女主角 瑪努艾拉維絲Manuela Velles在電影【卡蜜諾】中自彈自唱西班牙民謠樂團TDover 的 The Morning After 。
Now he's gone,Now he's lone 如今他已不在,他已不在
I'm lost again我再度徬徨迷失
Now he's left,Now he's left 如今他已離去,他已離去
I cannot breath 我再也無法呼吸
can you save me, save me? 你可以救救我嗎?
cause I'm lost, we're losing
I saw the stars cry slowly我看見星星緩緩哭泣
when you
were gone當你已不在
all these years of missing思念了這許多年
and now they're
bleeding 如今淚水化為鮮血
>> 聽聽原唱